With the development of the world economy,people's living standard have been improving.people began to seek spiritual comfort.Many countries have entered an ageing society,more and more elderly and kids need pets to acompany with them and they are willing to spend lots of time and money to take care of them and buy anything needed.In recent years, the industry has made rapid development.
The news said that TPR plastic dog toys are the most popular in the market of pet toys,Followed by absorbent pads and Christmas dolls.pets are usually regarded as members of family and they are looked after carefully by their masters.Compared to the price, they pay more attention to the style and quality of pet toys.
Why they always choose TPR materials for pet toys? TPR, also known as thermoplastic rubber, has a elastic properties of rubber, with excellent wear resistance and tear resistance, feel comfortable.TPR materials have through the third party testing and certification,conform to RoHS, reach (SVHC), EN71, does not contain plasticizers phthalates, bisphenol A, does not contain nonyl phenol (NP), does not contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs.TPR is fully in line with the environmental testing standards of foreign market.so TPR materials is the best choice for pet toys.